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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Worldbnf stand for ?

World Business Networking Forum .It's a platform for connecting Entrepreneur to entrepreneurs worldwide .

Is this safe to be a member of this forum ?

We take precautions like mobile authentication & in future face authentication before approving new membership . Hence we are trying best that reality of the member matched with virtuality also.

How safe is the platform for posting self ads or posts ?

Yes though we as admin allowed members to post themselves about their products & requirements but it was cross checked before it goes on line for social safety purpose

What benefits do I get when I become a member on worldbnf.com

It gives you & your business visibility among members & your brand / products known to many without advertising .. You become influential in the entrepreneurs community worldwide . Your requirements reach the right people & you get the right products with many choices ..

Why should you join us ?

We understand that in today's dynamic landscape, a robust network is one of the most important cornerstones for navigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, which is why we offer a network comprising dedicated individuals who are passionate about expanding their network to fuel innovation.

How do we help you ?

We put entrepreneurs in touch with other entrepreneurs to help both of them benefit from each other. A barter system for entrepreneurs if you will, one grows with the resources and other with the expertise.

Who can join us ?

We have a wide network of businessmen and are constantly adding new entrepreneurs, whether small or big, to our forum to help reach as many businesses and businessmen as possible